Blog Portfolio Quarter 2

Here are the posts of the Second Quarter of IBHL English Year Two. These posts include my personal views on topics and subjects that we have covered in class, primarily relating to the novel we have read, The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway, and World War One Poetry by poets such as Sassoon, Graves, and Owen. My intentions with these blogs is to organize my own thoughts on the topics discussed while allowing for my classmates and others to get involved, agree, or best of all challenge my opinions. In this quarter, through blogging, I have bettered my ability to develop and express a commentary on various types of literature which I believe is a skill I can use regularly. In the blogs, I have conveyed thoughts based on discussions in class and constructed further upon the given foundation. Blogging has been a useful method of putting across my thoughts.


Route March

Top 10

Dear Abby

The Sun Also Rises Chapters 15- 17

Chapter 7 Interactive Analysis

Bulls and Steers

Bough of Nonsense

Repression of the War Experience

Greater Love

Comparison of World War One Poetry (Mental Cases and They)

Before The Mirror

Trench Duty



Before the Mirror: I felt that through this blog post, I was able to demonstrate the capability to compare two pieces of poetry from different time periods and still connect them while investing and referencing allusions similar allusions to represent different meanings in each of the poems. I considered the meaning of white roses since it is repeated in Before the Mirror and linked my information to two sources with different representations given to the white rose. I twas additionally able to devise a thesis statement, linking the two poems through contrasts. I finally was able to identify the implications of various writing styles and techniques used by the poets to convey and express a message and purpose of the poetry, relevant to their time period.


Sitara’s Blog on Escape: In this post, I politely disagreed with statements made by my peer, Sitara, on “Escape” by Robert Graves. To put across my differing opinion, I quoted her and also areas of my previous post on the same poem in order to convey my perspective on the meaning and purpose of the poem. I additionally linked my post to her’s for others to be able to view the original on which I based my thoughts on.


Trench Duty: My analysis on the poem, Trench Duty by Sassoon sparked discussion as Gautam read my perspective and correlated it to his own. Gautam expressed what he agreed and disagreed with in my analysis and went on to ask a question about the relevance of tone in creating a greater purpose to the poem. Gautam’s comment then allowed for me to look further into my own analysis and fill in the holes. I was able to then connect structural elements of the poem to the greater meaning which Sassoon wished to convey. My completed thoughts then sparked further conversation with Tim and Saumya.


Saumya’s Blog on Greater Love : In this comment, I looked to tie in what I agreed with in Saumya’s post in addition to the previous comments in order to express my own views on Greater Love’s connection between romantic love and nationalism. With the parts I did agree on, I expanded giving quoted examples from the posts and using them to delve further into the purpose, meaning, and intended feelings that Owen wished to evoke out of his audience. I ended my comment asking Saumya about who she feels was the intended audience of the passage and why. I made sure to include my personal opinion on the question giving Saumya a basis to either agree or disagree with solid evidence.


2012 Elections Due to my interest in the Republican primaries, I spent a total of four hours watching debates and reading articles to understand the perspectives of various candidates in the race for 2012. Since I wrote this a little while ago, not all of the information is completely relevant. For example, since Herman Cain suspended his campaign, he is basically out of the race and therefore not entirely important. I additionally focus in Newt Gingrich who was still rising in the polls when I wrote my views. However I enjoyed summarizing the political beliefs of various candidates and contrasting them with one another.

2012 Elections

By November 2012, I will be eligible to participate in their first ever United States elections. For that very reason, I felt it essential to understand the current state of the Republican presidential primaries, debates, and President Obama’s approach to the campaign.

The Polls

Based on the above polls, the most promising front runners appear to be Romney, Cain, and Paul in that order. These three seem to be the most competitive for the position based on debates, policies, and public opinion.

I have not included Rick Perry in this list due to his apparent lack of maturity in debates as well as his not-so-great speaking abilities which the American people have realized, shown through the sudden drop in ratings. This was clearly evident in his “brain freeze” incident in the CNBC debate where while naming three agencies of government he wished to abolish, he forgot the third. While he is well supported for his views and accomplishments in Texas, he lacks the support of the nation as a whole.

I have additionally left out Newt Gingrich mainly due to his constant blaming of individuals or American establishments in order to make a point. Although I anticipate a temporary rise in his ratings due to his strongly definitive views in comparison to the wavering nature of other candidates, I believe that his often overly conservative views shown through the debates will not appeal the Americans in the long run.

Additionally, I do not believe that Bachmann, the only female candidate in the republican race, seems to have a limited scope on important American issues, particularly the economy. She does display depth in her policies of foreign policy because of her extensive background in the field, yet she lacks specific resolutions to the innumerous issues America is facing today. Due to her lack of defendable proposals on how to correct the American economy, she has often resorted to diverting questions to what she knows. For example, in the Oakland debate, she quickly drifted from discussing her ideas for tax reforms to “building a fence on the southwestern border” in order to control illegal immigration.

Although both Santorum and Huntsman are well qualified and knowledgeable runners in the election, both candidates lack enough support and funding to be frontrunners in the campaign.

Hence, I believe that Romney, Cain, and Paul are the best contenders for a Republican opposition to Obama.

Former Governor of Massachusetts, Mitt Romney has displayed greater steadiness in his high ratings than any other candidate due to his loyalty to Republican ideals, although his policies have proved to be inconsistent at times.

Basic Policies

In the recent presidential debate in Oakland, Romney has demonstrated importance towards a government focused on the domestic economy. He claimed, “Europe can take care of its own economic problems.” To clarify, he stated that he would still support US involvement in the World Bank and IMF “but not at the cost of getting domestically impacted by foreign debt.” To improve the domestic economy, Romney has said that bailouts have caused dependency and devastation and therefore believes in making the “private industries correct their own mistakes rather than the government getting too involved.” However, what Romney does want the government to do is cap spending, implement private bankruptcy processes, and alter tax codes to benefit the middle class. Simultaneously, Romney has shown interest in further involving America into the world’s economic competition with Asia by reducing tariffs and corporate taxes.

In terms of education, Romney looks to abolish the Department of Education thus creating greater freedom for teachers, schools, and states to decide their own curriculums. His educational policies are primarily based off the No Child Left Behind movement.

In his positions on healthcare, Romney has wavered from supporting federal healthcare bills to signing bills for privatizing the healthcare agencies of America which concurs with his current opinion against the Obamacare plan. Without a real plan of his own on healthcare, Romney presently stands for market-based reforms on healthcare.

To ensure the security of the American people, Romney wishes to increase the Department of Defense’s budget and its focus on foreign policy. “Over the last few years we’ve had a defense budget, excluding the cost of warfare, at about 3.8 percent of the economy, about 3.8 percent of the G.D.P.,” he said. “I’d like that be a little higher, at about 4 percent.” This approach is very different from many of the other Republican candidates looking to shrink the defense spending in order to cut the deficit.  While Romney wishes to limit the spread of terrorism, I disagree with his focus towards increasing anti-terrorist funding and growth seeing that Obama has just recently ensured the return of troops in Iraq and Afghanistan by December 31st.

Overall Romney generally proves to be a confident front runner in the GOP elections. However it must be kept in mind that the candidate has previously lost in Republican preliminaries against John Kerry and others. Additionally, Romney lacks consistency in his policies which I believe is a quality America cannot afford at this point in time.

Former CEO of Godfather’s Pizza and the National Restaurant Association, Herman Cain has received a rapid rise in popularity seen through national polls, irrespective of his sexual harassment allegations. Cain has asserted his position as frontrunner in the GOP polls although he was a late comer to the 2012 Republican race.

Basic Policies

In order to counter the American financial crisis, Cain put forth that the first step would be to stagnate the GDP and recreate a sound and stable currency. “Just like 60 minutes in hour, a dollar must be dollar”, said Cain in the CNBC debate. To reestablish such stability, he believes in focusing primarily on the domestic economy through changes in taxation and privatization. Cain, as do all of the other Republican candidates, feels that the government has and continues to have too much involvement in the economy and its revival due to the bailouts provided to large American corporations. He believes in letting the corporations revive themselves without the assistance of the government. In terms of tax reforms, Cain looks to implement his 9:9:9 taxation proposal with 9 % business flat tax, 9% income tax, and 9% national sales tax.

Cain proposes educational policies of weakening the federal government’s control of over the education system by weakening the Department of Education and strengthening the state control of education instead. Cain also advocates for increase in pay and “performance- based pay” for teachers.

As a cancer survivor, Herman Cain has shown great interest in privatizing the healthcare agencies. Just as almost all of the other GOP candidates, Herman Cain wishes to abolish the Obamacare plan as well as the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

In terms of foreign policy and national security, Cain believes it is necessary to suppress terrorists and all movements which pose a threat to the United States national security. For this to happen, he has spoken in favor of assisting opposition movements in various nations, increasing the size of the navy, increasing funding for ballistic missiles, and adhering to cautious relationships with Iran and Pakistan by applying economic pressure on the nations due to their nuclear capabilities.

Herman Cain has proven to be a strong contender in the presidential race due to his clearly laid out policies. However, I personally do not believe he would be an appropriate president for the time specifically due to his foreign policy with unnecessary focus on Iran and his economic stance as a representative of the 1% rather than the 99. Cain’s claim to fame is that he is the only candidate that does not have a political background. He is a businessman who was the founder and CEO of a Pizza company. He brings new thinking to the table like his 9-9-9 tax reform (9% taxes for personal income, 9% for sales tax and 9% business tax) which replaces current complex tax policy. However, his lack of experience in politics and international relations is his downfall not to mention the recent sexual harassment allegations.

Congressman Ron Paul of Texas has not necessarily been a frontrunner in the GOP 2012 presidential race but has gained a loyal 15% support due to his libertarian views. Arguably the most politically consistent of the Republican candidates, Ron Paul has often been the only Republican candidate to have remarkably different views from the rest.

Basic Policies

Very much aware of the economic crisis in America, Ron Paul sees the debt as the biggest economic importance to the nation. He proposes for liquidation of the debt and major cuts on spending in unnecessary areas such as the Department of Defense. He plans to tackle the crisis through cutting 1 trillion dollars out of the federal budget and getting rid of price fixing by the Federal Reserve due to its manipulation much below market rates which has caused inflation. Ron Paul in his debates has emphasized the mistake of bailouts to corporations as he believes that corporations should not be dependent on government support. In terms of taxes, Ron Paul looks to eliminate direct income tax and the sixteenth amendment which allows for congress to levy income tax. Instead he looks for the federal government to be funded by excise taxes. He has simultaneously supported a flat 10% income tax.

On education, Ron Paul has spoken out for providing greater flexibility to the American educational system by allowing for states to control curriculums and for families to choose the school they send their children to.

As an established physician himself, Ron Paul opposes Universal Healthcare and believes that less government intervention in healthcare will lower the prices of medication and general health-related costs.  Paul has proposed tax relief bills with the sole purpose of reducing health care costs for families and senior citizens.

While most other Republican candidates pushed for aggressive foreign policies, Ron Paul has explicitly stated that relations with nations such as Iran were overcomplicated by media and propaganda and that there should not be high military involvement in foreign nations unless they factually pose a threat to the national security of the nation. In his eyes, Iran does not pose such a threat at the moment and hence does not require a war. However he did state that if war was necessary, “you fight, and you win it, and you get it over with.” Unlike many of his fellow candidates, Ron Paul stood entirely against the continuation Guantanamo Bay and torture claiming them to be “un-American”.  While discussing the dictatorship of Asad in Syria, Paul stated, “Syrians ought to deal with their country” and continued to speak about self-determinism as an American ideal. “America [should] not interfere militarily, financially, or covertly in the internal affairs of other nations” and should instead strive for “open trade, travel, communication, and diplomacy with other nations”.

Ron Paul has generally shown a chief focus on improving the current state of the nation. Although I agree with the majority of his viewpoints, I also believe his highly isolationist views and passive policies internationally will not be efficient and beneficial for the nation in today’s interdependent world.

Escape by Graves: Interaction

In Sitara’s Blog, she mentions that Graves intentions of the poem and intended message was to convey a positive connotation to death as an “Escape” from death. Sitara claimed, “He says death is good because it will pull him away from war, but he also wants to stay alive because fighting in the war is what he is meant to do.”  I disagree with this statement since I believe that Graves rather intended to narrate his return to life after serious injuries which made many believe that he was dead. This is depicted through the opening parenthesized context stating that the “Officer previously reported died of wounds, now reported wounded” actually returned to from death as unreal as it seems. This is seen through Graves’ opening line where he says, “but I was dead, an hour or more.” Therefore Graves wished to depict his experience of reviving from the dead through the poem in an epic, adventurous, and war-related manner through the use of vivid imagery and allusion. As I previously stated,  the connection between the two worlds is seen primarily through the use of morphine against the three headed dog. I felt that this showed the dependency of soldiers on painkillers and the unreal in order to survive on a daily basis. Without morphine, the soldiers were often useless. Hence when Graves slips the morphine onto a biscuit, I felt this showed how Graves’ reality was in fact very much dependent on the unreal which he had to use in order to portray the horrors of the war. Thus the purpose of the poem is rather to clarify the reality of the unreality surrounding the curiosity regarding Graves’ return to life. He does this in a mythological manner to tag his readers along and possibly provide hope that heroism and valor were still prevalent in a time of confusion, lack of virtue, and atrocity.